Happy National Butt Wiping Day 2021!

November 6th is National Butt Wiping Day! We celebrate this holiday to:

  • Raise awareness that everyone at some point in their life struggles to wipe.

  • There are ways to make cleaning your caboose much easier!

Please come join our celebration on Instagram Live at 12 CST with guest Nurse Wong of Butt Talks TV! We’ll also announce the winner of the free giveaway! This person will win a Brondell FreshSpa bidet from House of Toilets!

Need a new bidet or toilet? House of Toilets is offering a 10% off discount with code ‘HTWIPING’ on all products through December 31st this year! (No, I don’t receive a commission on that. I just want you to save some money, honey!)

Make sure to celebrate National Butt Wiping Day with a huge glass of water, guacamole, and the “Hard Time Wiping? Let’s Talk A-booty It!” course!

Wishing you and your family a lovely hole-iday!