Granny's Holiday Gift Guide 2021

Are you ready to wow your older family members with holiday mirth and joy?

Me too!

After doing Zooms-giving and Zooms-mas last year, I’m a little screened out! I feel really excited to see my family in person to celebrate the holiday season together. I’m ready for baking, singing along to Mitch Miller, watching Christmas movies, and reminiscing about family members who have moved along to the afterlife, like my Granny!

Granny and Grandpa hugging in front of my Mom's Christmas tree.

Granny and Grandpa hugging in front of my Mom’s Christmas tree.

My grandmother felt like Christmas to me; she was the embodiment of joy and love. In years past while we prepped Thanksgiving dinner, we would also bust out tons of plastic totes with decades worth of Christmas decorations.

We’d sing (more like screech) to Christmas music while slap happily assembling the Nativity scene, Christmas tree, and fake holly strands all over the house.

I miss hearing Granny laugh at our shenanigans and bossily tell us to vacuum stray tinsel. I miss cooking with her. She was the star of the season!

This is our fifth year without her, but she’s the Granny I’m referring to who would approve the holiday gift guide I put together for you. The holiday gifts below will help you and your family members live safely at home!

Granny always enthusiastically went along with my ideas to make changes to her home. I loved making her feel safe, and I hope that I can give that feeling of security to you, too!

(FYI: I’m an Amazon affiliate. If you purchase anything using these links, I’ll receive an itty bitty commission that helps run my website.)

1) Offset hinges

Can’t go through the bathroom door with a walker or wheelchair? Don’t take the door off the hinges! People need privacy, dammit!

Offset hinges are one of the best, most cost effective ways to make it easier to get in and out of the bathroom at home! For around $50, you replace the existing hinges on the bathroom door with the offset hinges. This makes it much less costly than hiring a contractor to widen the doorway!

The offset hinges allow the door to move away from the door frame when open. This gives an extra 1 ¼ to 1 ½ inches of room to get through the door. 

You may be thinking, “That doesn’t sound like a lot.” But it makes all the difference in the world to someone who uses a walker or a wheelchair!

Feel free to install these suckers on other high traffic doors in your home, too!

The offset hinges may not work in every bathroom depending on the set up, especially if the door swings inwards and smacks the sink countertop. Make sure to do some measurements and research before ordering and installing offset hinges on Granny’s bathroom door.

Your family will appreciate the gift of no obstacles when trying to get to the toilet!

2) The BedShelfie

I’m loving this BedShelfie! It’s a shelf that clamps onto your bedframe or you can slide it underneath the mattress.

It basically replaces a nightstand, which is great if you’re living in tight quarters!

This is a handy tool for you and your family to keep everything you need close by, like your phone, phone charger, kleenex, glasses, medicine, water, snacks . . . Whatever you need! It holds up to 15 pounds, so you can get pretty creative with what you want to put on it.

Please help Granny test the BedShelfie out to make sure it doesn’t get in the way of her swinging her legs over the side of the bed. No falls, muchos gracias!

3) XPand No Tie Shoelaces

Speaking of falls, is it getting more difficult for Granny to tie her shoelaces?

Granny doesn’t need new shoes, she needs Xpand No Tie Shoelaces!

These stretchy, elastic laces go on every type of shoe and turns them all into slip-ons! For $10 a pack, that’s a steal! 

They also come in a lot of different colors so Granny can be stylin’ and profilin’!

Honestly, the whole family can use these. Wouldn’t it be cute to match Granny’s shoes?

hard time wiping logo

Hard Time Wiping? Let’s Talk A-booty It!

4) Hard Time Wiping? Let’s Talk A-booty It!

My personal favorite on this holiday guide is the gift of dignity that this online course brings.

The “Hard Time Wiping? Let’s Talk A-booty It!” course isn’t just for people who have a hard time wiping, it’s useful for caregivers, too!

If you help Granny out at home, I highly recommend learning toilet techniques and four options to clean up after using the toilet. This course teaches people how to be more independent in taking care of themselves and gives them their privacy back!

No awkward toilet conversations for you!

Granny will feel better. You’ll feel better. Check it out HERE!

5) OXO Good-Grips 3-Piece POP Cereal Dispenser Set

You know what? Granny needs easy access to her cheesy puffball snacks. And these OXO cereal dispensers are PERFECT for one-handed opening and closing!

No struggling to twist open jar lids here!

Think of all the foods that can go in these containers: cereal, oatmeal, cream of wheat, beans, rice, oreos, chicharrones, generic snacks, etc. The list is endless!

Help a girl eat, ok? Nothing beats food!

6) ChiaPet Bob Ross

Okay, this isn’t just some random suggestion, I promise!

Gardening is so good for Granny’s wellbeing! There’s a lot of research out there that backs up how taking care of plants helps improve your health overall.

And what’s easier than growing chia? What’s funnier than growing chia on Bob Ross’s head?

This gift is actually a two-for-one now that I’m thinking about it! Humor and health!

That wasn’t no “happy little accident”!

7) Vovo Stylement Bidet

You know what I say? Always end with a bidet, bay bay! 

I always recommend bidet seats as a gift to family and friends. If they don’t own one, they don’t know what they’re missing!

A bidet seat placed onto Granny’s toilet will save her money on toilet paper and save her delicate booty skin from irritation caused by wiping on repeat.

Water is the best for your booty! 

If you’re unsure what type of bidet would work best, schedule a 30-minute consultation with me to help you figure it out. I’ve got your backside, my love!

Use ‘HTWIPING’ to get 10% off all toilets and bidets at House of Toilets! No, I do not get a commission off of this! I just like giving you discounts, ok?

What are you getting for your older family members this year? Does anything from the gift guide speak to you? Tell us your thoughts down below!

Please share this list with someone if they’re struggling with gift ideas!