How to Make Your Bathroom Feel Like a Spa (and Falls Free!)

Blush-toned bathroom with vanity and white bathtub with windows looking greenery.

Every person on the planet deserves a gorgeous bathroom that makes them feel absolutely heavenly and safe!

But many of us, especially caregivers, don’t put any energy towards making safe, spa-like bathrooms a reality.

I totally get the reasons why. There’s limited funds. Limited time. Limited energy.

Despite those challenges, you still have the right to the bathroom of your dreams. Let’s go over five ways you can make your bathroom feel like a spa and keep you falls free! Watch the video or continue reading down below!

1) Light Dimmer Switch

The first thing I think of when I hear the word “spa” is dimmed lighting in a quiet, clean room. On one hand, dimmed lighting sounds very relaxing and comforting. On the other hand, dimmed lighting can make it harder to see and easier to take a misstep leading to injury.

You definitely want to have brighter lighting when you’re moving around in the bathroom and doing self-care tasks, like shaving.

So what’s the solution to having both lighting options? A light dimmer switch!

Light dimmer switches come with a variety of control options, such as a rotary knob or toggle, to adjust the light level.

My recommendation for optimal safety is to install a smart light dimmer switch that allows you to use voice commands to control the lighting.

Let’s say that you want to relax in the bathtub with dim lighting for a while. You need bright lighting to safely step in and out of the tub.

How will you reach the light switch to control the lighting while simultaneously chillaxing in the tub?

A smart light dimmer switch that connects with Alexa or Google will help you achieve that spa-like experience. Keep your lights bright while getting in the tub and then tell Alexa to turn the lights low to get your soak on.

Smart light dimmer switches are affordable, too! Take a look at the highly-rated Kasa Smart Dimmer Switch to learn more.

(FYI: I’m an Amazon affiliate. Any purchases you make using the link helps run this website! Thank you!)

2) Handheld Shower Head

Nothing beats sitting down in the shower or tub and feeling warm water run down your back.

My favorite, go-to recommendation for every person is to buy a handheld shower head. There are so many options available and they’re incredibly easy to install in your shower!

Most people enjoy the ability to aim water at the places they want it to go. Not to mention that handheld shower heads help you clean those hard to reach places on your body whether you’re standing up or sitting down.

Pro tip: Get a handheld shower head on a height adjustable mount. That way you can put it at the height that works best for you. If you look below, there are two types of hand held shower head holders that you can mount on a vertical grab bar in the shower.

The ergonomic one is easier to use for people with arthritis in their hands.

Hand Shower Holder
from $54.12

3) Grab Bar

Per the CDC, the number one place for falls to happen at home is when you’re stepping out of the shower. Falling is not fun because it can lead to injury and hospitalization. Even death!

So what’s the best way to prevent all of that mess? Install a grab bar at your shower entry!

Grab bars are an essential part of having a spa-like bathroom. Imagine the grab bar as the caring spa attendant gently holding your hand to make sure you don’t slip and fall.

A grab bar is reliable and ever-present. If it were sentient, you’d know that the grab bar is watching out for you. It always has your back (when properly installed into studs or blocking!).

A stainless steel grab bar can cost as little as $20!

Of course, there are a myriad of grab bar options out there for you to choose! If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unsure of which grab bar would work best for you needs, hire an occupational therapist or home safety consultant.

4) Removable Seat

What’s a spa experience without sitting down and relaxing?

Sitting down while bathing or showering is so good for multiple reasons:

  • slow down

  • save energy

  • better balance while sitting

  • lessens pain

Honestly, I could go on and on about all the benefits!

Sitting to shower helps people who are pregnant, feeling sore, ill, recovering after surgery or injury, or have chronic medical conditions.

I like seats that are removable and seats that fold up because you can choose to use them or not. This is especially convenient for households that have more than one person.

Removable seats are typically less costly because you don’t have to pay for them to be installed. You can put the seat where ever you like in the bathroom or storage area.

You can find removable seats specifically for the shower or bathtub. In the picture above, you’ll see a shower seat with a backrest and armrests. These types of shower chairs are perfect for leaning back, relaxing, and standing up and down easily.

Removable bath seats are also plentiful! I typically recommend tub transfer benches, but if you’re wanting the option to sit on the tub floor, watch this video about a removable bath seat by Ponte Giulio! (Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel while you’re watching the video!)

5) Make the Bathroom Bigger

White tiled accessible shower with built-in bench, recessed niche, handheld shower head, lever water control, and raindrop style shower head.

Okay, obviously making the bathroom bigger costs money. But I need to plant this idea in your mind because it is a key investment to living at home for a lifetime.

Plus, spa bathrooms are more spacious. More space = more accessibility to the toilet, shower, and sink.

Here are some hot facts for you: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) says that 0.15% of homes in the U.S. are wheelchair accessible.

There are 6.8 million people who use mobility devices, like walkers, canes, and wheelchairs, which means less than 200,000 of those people live in an accessible home (U.S. Department of Education).

Takeaway: there are people who need accessible homes, but there are not enough accessible homes for everyone.

Do not let this happen to you by lying to yourself and saying, “I’ll never need to use a walker.”

You need to go ahead and assume that you’re going to use a mobility device at some point in your life.

Make plans to expand your bathroom. Knock out that linen closet. Combine two small bathrooms and make it one big one. Widen those doorways to 36 inches across. Use that dead space!

What are your plans to make your bathroom feel like a spa?

My friends, I hope I gave you some great ideas to make your bathroom a zen spa! Which ideas do you like? What are you going to try? Do you already have a spa-like bathroom? Tell us what you did to make it that way in the comments below!

Contact me here with any questions!

(Pssssttttt . . . did you know we have an awesome online course for people who have a hard time wiping after using the toilet? It’s an awkward topic that you can learn how to solve in the comfort and privacy of your own home! Learn more about the course HERE!)