What Types of Bathroom Lighting Prevent Falls?
I used to have a shower that didn’t have an overhead light.
It was so dark when I took a shower. At first I thought, “Oh, it’s so very peaceful and relaxing showering in a warm, dark cave.”
But then a near accident happened: my foot caught on the tub ledge when I was stepping out the shower! I almost fell!
Boy, did that near fall change my mind!
more Light Prevents Falls
Ideally, you want to see ALL of the slippery surfaces! Dark bathrooms don’t allow that. Per the CDC, the bathroom is the number ONE room at home where falls take place.
No one likes falling. It hurts and can result in serious injuries that take you to the hospital. And then you have pesky hospital bills. Do you see how important bathroom lighting is?
You need to have lighting in different parts of the bathroom to see well and not fall!
Think about your bathroom right now. Do you have general lighting from the center of the ceiling with a down light or a globe? Most bathrooms do have this feature. This lighting is great for moving in the bathroom from point A to point B, but general lighting does not work for all the things we do in the bathroom.
A dark shower makes it hard to tell the difference between the shampoo and conditioner. You may even accidentally cut yourself while shaving!
Shower Lighting Prevents falls
Not to worry though! Let me tell you about your options for shower lighting! The most common solution is to place a globe in the center of the shower ceiling.
But let's talk about some other more interesting options:
strip lights on the ceiling and/or floor
wall mounted down lights
down lights faced sideways from the wall
a row of LED lights on the wall
Any of these options would improve your safety while showering!
Wall mounted downlights. John Cullen Lighting
Four ceiling lights spaced evenly. John Cullen Lighting
Toilet Lighting prevents falls
Hey, we also need to consider lighting for our friend, the toilet. Standing up from the toilet is another potential fall in the bathroom. Extra lighting helps you clearly see where you’re moving!
Some suggestions for additional lighting include:
a globe light overhead, two down lights
a low glow wall wash
floor level lighting
cove lighting
Striplights. FORM Architectural Bureau
Mirror Lighting prevents falls
Lastly, do you squint at yourself in the mirror because it’s too dark? Or do you find yourself turning away from your reflection because the lighting is too harsh?
What you need is light from all sides and angles to flatter your features! Combine an overhead light with a mirror affixed slightly away from the wall with the light source set behind the mirror on the sides or on all sides.
A fun, glamorous way to light up the mirror is to install spotlights around the mirror on each side. Warning: people may linger at your bathroom mirror longer than usual!
Light Dimmers prevent falls
Whatever you decide to do with your bathroom lighting, consider adding a dimmer to control the light intensity in the room. A dimmer allows you to create a more relaxing mood if you are taking a bath or choose to leave on the bathroom light during the night.
We all differ in how much light intensity we need to see our environment, however, it’s essential we have lighting to see all parts of the bathroom for our daily needs! For more diagrams on different types of bathroom lighting, click here.
For even more comprehensive information on lighting in the bathroom, click here to read Scotlight Direct’s article! It’s really good!
Reference: House Plans Helper
(Hey, did you know we have an awesome online course for people who have a hard time wiping after using the toilet? It’s an awkward topic that you can learn how to solve in the comfort and privacy of your own home! Learn more about the course HERE!)