Bathroom Solutions to make your potty pretty
Find high quality bathroom safety equipment and bidet seats that fit your bathroom aesthetic.
This ain’t your Granny’s bathroom!

The Toilet Talk mission
keep your a$$ out of a nursing home.
Bathroom independence and safety are top contributors to falls and increased care needs. Toilet talk is the no-nonsense place for everything thing you need to know about using the bathroom without losing your dignity or spa-like bathroom.
Around here…
We love pretty potties, we hate ugly medical equipment.
We believe clean booties = freedom, health, and dignity.
Some of our favorite bathroom solutions include:
Online course
Do you have a hard time wiping? Let's talk a-booty it!
Here’s your guide to the freedom and exuberance of cleaning your booty up easier after using the toilet.
Enroll today to learn how you can emerge from the bathroom so fresh and so clean after every single trip!
Hi, my name is Maria and I was a caregiver to my grandparents for 12 years. How did that experience inspire me to create the world of Toilet Talk? Oh, you know, it was a tale as old as time . . .